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Full food inspection

Detection standard

GB 5009.34-2016#National Food Safety Standard - Determination of Sulfur Dioxide in Food # Food # Sulfur Dioxide/Sulfite (calculated as SO2)

GB 5009.35-2016#National Food Safety Standards - Determination of Synthetic Colorants in Foods - Food # Bright Blue

GB/T 23495-2009#Determination of benzoic acid, sorbic acid, and saccharin sodium in food - High performance liquid chromatography method # Food # Sorbic acid

GB 5009.97-2016#National Food Safety Standard - Determination of Sodium Cyclohexylamine Sulfonate in Food # Food # Sodium Cyclohexylamine Sulfonate

GB/T 5009.140-2003#Determination of Potassium Acetosulfonate in Beverages # Frozen Beverages, Beverages # Potassium Acetosulfonate (Acesulfame)

GB 4789.26-2013#National Food Safety Standards Food Microbiology Inspection Commercial Sterility Inspection # Food # Commercial Sterility Inspection

GB/T 23495-2009#Determination of benzoic acid, sorbic acid, and saccharin sodium in food - High performance liquid chromatography method # Food # Sorbic acid

GB 5009.97-2016#National Food Safety Standard - Determination of Sodium Cyclohexylamine Sulfonate in Food # Food # Sodium Cyclohexylamine Sulfonate

GB/T 5009.140-2003#Determination of Potassium Acetosulfonate in Beverages # Frozen Beverages, Beverages # Potassium Acetosulfonate (Acesulfame)

GB 5009.34-2016#National Food Safety Standard - Determination of Sulfur Dioxide in Food # Food # Sulfur Dioxide/Sulfite (calculated as SO2)

GB/T 5009.22-2003#Determination of aflatoxin Bl in food # Food # aflatoxin B1

  • Detection specification

The common saying "food is the top priority for the people, and food safety is the top priority" must be familiar to everyone. Nowadays, there are more and more types of food and there are many options available. Many consumers do not pay special attention to the quality and safety issues of food when purchasing, because some consumers believe that food has been inspected by regulatory authorities before it is launched. However, there are also blind spots that cannot be touched by regulations, so the food testing agency of Baijian.com reminds everyone to identify legitimate channels before purchasing food, learn to read food nutrition labels, and try not to choose foods that are too bright in color or taste, as they may contain additives; If you find that there is something wrong with the food you bought home, try to find a professional food testing agency to determine if it contains any illegal additives. Where does the full food inspection go? How much is the cost

Third-party inspection institutions provide comprehensive food testing services: (For projects not listed, engineers can be consulted or directly connected by phone)


Canned fruits and vegetables inspection:

Sulfur dioxide

GB 5009.34-2016 National Food Safety Standard &Nbsp; Determination of sulfur dioxide in food

Synthetic colorants

GB 5009.35-2016 National Food Safety Standard

&Nbsp; Determination of synthetic colorants in food

Benzoic acid

GB/T 23495-2009 Determination of benzoic acid, sorbic acid, and saccharin sodium in food

&Nbsp; High performance liquid chromatography

Sorbic acid, saccharin sodium, sodium cyclamate

GB 5009.97-2016 National Food Safety Standard

&Nbsp; Determination of sodium cyclohexylaminosulfonate in food


GB/T 5009.140-2003 Determination of Potassium Acetosulfonate in Beverages.

Commercial Sterility

GB 4789.26-2013 National Food Safety Standard &Nbsp; Microbiological testing of food&Nbsp; Commercial aseptic testing


Testing of stir fried food and nut products:

Sodium saccharin

GB/T 23495-2009; Determination of benzoic acid, sorbic acid, and saccharin sodium in food&Nbsp; High performance liquid chromatography

Sodium cyclamate

GB 5009.97-2016; National Food Safety Standards&Nbsp; Determination of sodium cyclohexylaminosulfonate in food


GB/T 5009.140-2003 Determination of Potassium Acetosulfonate in Beverages.

Sulfur dioxide

GB 5009.34-2016 National Food Safety Standard &Nbsp; Determination of sulfur dioxide in food

aflatoxin B1

GB/T 5009.22-2003 Determination of aflatoxin B1 in food.


GB 4789.3-2010; National Food Safety Standards&Nbsp; Microbiological testing of food&Nbsp; Coliform count


GB 4789.15-2016  National Food Safety Standards&Nbsp; Microbiological testing of food&Nbsp; Mold and yeast count


Biscuit detection:


GB/T 5009.182-2003 Determination of aluminum in flour based foods.

Sodium Saccharin

GB/T 23495-2009; Determination of benzoic acid, sorbic acid, and saccharin sodium in food&Nbsp; High performance liquid chromatography


Detection of fermented noodle products:

Sodium formaldehyde bisulfite

GB/T 21126-2007; Determination of sodium formaldehyde bisulfite in wheat flour, Rice noodles and their products

Sodium cyclamate

GB 5009.97-2016; National Food Safety Standards&Nbsp; Determination of sodium cyclohexylaminosulfonate in food

Benzoic acid

GB/T 23495-2009 Determination of benzoic acid, sorbic acid, and saccharin sodium in food

&Nbsp; High performance liquid chromatography

Sorbic acid

GB/T 23495-2009 Determination of benzoic acid, sorbic acid, and saccharin sodium in food

&Nbsp; High performance liquid chromatography

Synthetic colorants

GB 5009.35-2016 National Food Safety Standard

&Nbsp; Determination of synthetic colorants in food


Sauce marinated meat, meat sausage, and other cooked meats:


GB 5009.123-2014; National Food Safety Standards&Nbsp; Determination of chromium in food

Synthetic colorants

GB 5009.35-2016 National Food Safety Standard

&Nbsp; Determination of synthetic colorants in food Nitrite


; National Food Safety Standards&Nbsp; Determination of nitrite and nitrate in food

Benzoic acid

GB/T 23495-2009 Determination of benzoic acid, sorbic acid, and saccharin sodium in food

&Nbsp; High performance liquid chromatography

Sorbic acid

GB/T 23495-2009 Determination of benzoic acid, sorbic acid, and saccharin sodium in food

&Nbsp; High performance liquid chromatography


Fresh edible fungi detection:


GB 5009.11-2014 National Food Safety Standard &Nbsp; Determination of total arsenic and inorganic arsenic in food


GB 5009.12-2010

; National standard for food safety - Determination of lead in food


GB 5009.17-2014; National Food Safety Standards&Nbsp; Determination of total mercury and organic mercury in food

  Where does the full food inspection go? How much is the cost? In recent years, there have been frequent occurrences of food quality and safety - in order to make rice look bright and lustrous, some businesses use mineral oil to polish it, chili oil looks bright and bright, some people have added leather dye Sudan red, and some have added medical formalin to keep meat fresh... In order to maintain food quality and safety, it is necessary for food inspection institutions like Baijianet to conduct comprehensive inspections of all food items, BAIJIAN is a professional food testing agency with authoritative qualifications such as CNAS and CMA. It issues food testing reports with low testing costs and is trustworthy

The above article is a partial list. For more testing needs and details, please consult the online consultant of the free consulting agency: 15201733840 (phone and WeChat), and conduct testing on the top 100 inspection websites. Issuing authoritative testing reports has legal effect

Function of testing report:

1. Project bidding: Issue authoritative third-party CMA/CNAS qualification report

2. Online e-commerce platform entry: Quality inspection report recognized by major e-commerce platforms

3. Used as a sales report: issuing legally effective testing reports to make consumers more confident

4. Papers and research: Provide professional personalized testing needs

5. Judicial services: providing scientific, fair, and accurate testing data

6. Industrial problem diagnosis: Verify the troubleshooting and correction of industrial production problems

100% inspection and testing process:

1. Telephone communication and confirmation of requirements

2. Recommend solutions and confirm quotations

3. Mail samples and arrange testing

4. Progress tracking and result feedback

5. Provide reports and after-sales service

6. If urgent or priority processing is required

Testing and testing characteristics:

1. The testing industry is fully covered, meeting different testing needs

2. Fully cover the laboratory and allocate localized testing nearby

3. Engineers provide one-on-one services to make testing more accurate

4. Free initial testing, with no testing fees charged

5. Self service order delivery for free on-site sampling

6. Short cycle, low cost, and attentive service

7. Possess authoritative qualifications such as CMA, CNAS, CAL, etc

8. The testing report is authoritative and effective, and is generally used in China

Previous post:Fruit wine testing Next chapter: Tea and water detection

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